Books and Digital Resources About NLP
by Phyllis LeFevre, Certified Life Coach and NLP Wellness Practitioner
An Introduction to NLP reveals the techniques you need to achieve excellence in everything you do. Specially designed for audio with listener participation exercises, this CD focuses on communication strategies, using and understanding body languages, successful meetings and more! Some people appear more gifted than others. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), one of the fastest growing developments in applied psychology, describes in simple terms what these people do differently and enables you to learn these patterns of excellence. An Introduction to NLP teaches you practical skills to achieve excellent communication and great results in all areas of your life. Includes: / how to create rapport with others / influencing skills / understanding and using body language / how to think about and achieve the results you want / the art of asking key questions / effective meetings, negotiations and selling / accelerated learning strategies. Specifically designed for audio, this CD also includes exercises that encourage listener participation.
Changing Belief Systems With NLP illuminates how our beliefs are a very powerful influence on our behavior. It is common wisdom that if someone really believes he can do something, he will do it; and if he believes something is impossible, no amount of effort will convince him that it can be accomplished. Our beliefs about ourselves and what is possible in the world around us greatly impact our day-to-day effectiveness. All of us have beliefs that serve as resources as well as beliefs that limit us. Many of our beliefs were instilled in us as children by parents, teachers, social upbringing and the media before we were aware of their impact or able to have a choice about them. Is it possible to restructure, unlearn, or change old beliefs that may be limiting us and imprint new ones that can expand our potential beyond what we currently imagine? If so, how do we do it? This book is a result of the author’s own exploration of the underlying processes which influence beliefs, using the tools of NLP.
NLP at Work, Second Edition, The Difference That Makes a Difference in Business – Popularized by such motivational writers and speakers as Anthony Robbins, NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) is considered one of the hottest techniques for accelerating learning, mastering thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and breaking out of habits and patterns of behavior that stifle creativity and fulfillment. It provides a way of capitalizing on our unique experience and valuing it in a way that is special and provides a natural differentiation. NLP at Work, Second Edition is the long-awaited new edition that cuts through the jargon to introduce the basic techniques for gaining control of one’s business life.
Words That Change Minds: Mastering the Language of Influence 2nd edition This book presents meta-programs (the content-free filters we use to make up our model of the world) in a simple, understandable and highly readable way. It’s based on the Language and Behavior (LAB) Profile developed by Rodger Bailey – a simplification of the original 60 meta-programs down to 14, along with the questions you can use to elicit them. This is a kind of psychometric test, although as people may have different meta-programs in different contexts, and they may change over time, it’s not about pigeonholing people. Shelle also tells you the kind of language to use to reach particular kinds of people – useful in sales, negotiation, motivation and deciding who to hire for a particular job.
Successful Selling with NLP This book translates NLP concepts in a language directed to persons who are in sales. NLP is the study of how we communicate with each other and offers powerful ways for sales people and customers to get what they want. Successful Selling with NLP will teach you to create and maintain excellent relationships with customers both on the telephone and face to face. You will learn the questions to discover what your customers really want and value. Be able to speak the customers’ language by using words that are important to them. Know how customers decide to buy. If you are a salesperson, sales manager or a professional who needs skills to sell your product or service, this books is invaluable
Phyllis LeFevre is a certified NLP Life Coach and Wellness Practitioner based near Raleigh / Durham, North Carolina, who develops individualized programs for permanent lifestyle change. Her company, Inspire Momentum NLP, works with clients in a one-on-one setting designing customized coaching programs that will ensure success. You can contact her at (801) 244 8333 or phyllis@inspiremomentum.com